Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For Katy & Seth

There are two readings for 2 Tm 1:12, "I know who it is in whom I have trusted, and am confident of his power to keep safe what he has put into my charge"(NEB) or "what I have put into his charge." Christ has all the power needed to keep anything safe. What He gives me, or what I give Him, He can take care of. I can rest in perfect assurance, having that kind of coverage.
And--come to think of it--have I anything to put into his charge that He has not first put into mine? It all comes to the same thing. "What hast thou that thou didst not receive?" (1 Cor 4:7 AV).
Paul was writing from prison, where he was powerless to help those he loved or to look after things he cared for. No matter. He knew the One who is never powerless. He was sure of his power to keep.

Title: Power to Keep
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Book: A Lamp For My Feet

1 comment:

Katy said...

Thank you so much Amanda! It helps to know people are praying!